Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Set Depth Camera to show DigitDisplay

The Depth Camera can be used to show the bottom panel when the MainCamera is following the character.

At first, the scene consists of a background and a bottom panel which shows the digits.

Step 1: Choose "bottom" object, add a Layer named "Bottom", and modify the Layer as "Bottom".

Step 2: Create a Camera and Set as the image shows:
Change "Clear Flags" to "Depth only" and "Culling Mask" to "Bottom"

Step 3: Modify the MainCamera:
Change the "Culling Mask" value without Bottom and assign "Depth" value as "-1".

Step 4: Remove "Audio Listener" of "Camera" object:

Step 5: Write a script to "Camera" in order to show the game digit.

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